React Vertex


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Documentation and Examples

React hooks for basic orbit style perspective camera and controls.

Install via npm:
npm install @react-vertex/orbit-camera
import {
} from '@react-vertex/orbit-camera'

useOrbitCamera(fov, aspect, near?, far?, configure?) => camera

React hook for creating an orbit camera.


fov: Number defining the field of view in degrees (not radians).

aspect: Number defining the aspect ratio.

near (optional): Number for the camera frustum near plane (defaults to 1).

far (optional): Number for the camera frustum far plane (defaults to 1000).

configure (optional): Function to configure the instance before being returned. Changes to this parameter will not cause the hook to update, so you can provide an in-line function.


camera: The camera instance.

Example Usage:
import { useCanvasSize } from '@react-vertex/core'
import { useOrbitCamera, useOrbitControls } from '@react-vertex/orbit-camera'

  const { width, height } = useCanvasSize()
  const camera = useOrbitCamera(55, width / height, 1, 1000, c => {
    c.setPosition([0, 0, 25])
  • Set userRotate to false to disable rotation in x and y (orbit camera only rotates in x and y).
  • Set userRotateX to false to disable only rotation in x.
  • Set userRotateY to false to disable only rotation in y.
  • Set userDolly to false to disable dolly function.
  const camera = useOrbitCamera(55, width / height, 1, 5000, c => {
    c.setPosition([0, 0, 500])
    c.userRotate = false

useOrbitControls(camera, configure?) => controls

React hook to setup camera controls.


camera: An instance of the orbit camera.

configure (optional): Function to configure the instance before being returned. Changes to this parameter will not cause the hook to update, so you can provide an in-line function.


controls: The controls instance.

Example Usage:
import { useCanvasSize } from '@react-vertex/core'
import { useOrbitCamera, useOrbitControls } from '@react-vertex/orbit-camera'

  const { width, height } = useCanvasSize()
  const camera = useOrbitCamera(55, width / height, 1, 1000, c => {
    c.setPosition([0, 0, 25])